Canada Research Chairs
Being awarded a Canada Research Chair is a recognition of excellence. Discover the cutting-edge expertise of the CRC chairholders at Université Laval and the strategies UL has put in place to foster equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Vacant chairholder positions
Fostering equity, diversity, and inclusion
Université Laval reiterates its unwavering commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). By choosing openness, we are upholding excellence in research and research education.
EDI action plan and accountability
Mesures mises en place pour diversifier le bassin de titulaires
Transparency in the chairholder selection process
Faculty requirements and tools
Training on unconscious bias and peer evaluation
For the benefit of evaluation committee members

Who to contact for more information
Recruitment process
Alexandra Godbout
Conseillère en développement de la recherche
Vice-rectorat à la recherche, à la création et à l’innovation
418 656-2131, poste 406501
EDI aspects of the recruitment process
Marie-Josée Naud
Conseillère équité, diversité et inclusion (EDI)
Vice-rectorat à la recherche, à la création et à l'innovation
418 656-2131, poste 404558
Nos titulaires de chaires
Répertoire des chaires de recherche du Canada
Parcourez notre répertoire de Chaires de recherche du Canada
pour en apprendre davantage sur l'expertise de pointe des titulaires de l'Université Laval.
What is a CRC?
CRCs are prestigious positions that allow UL to attract highly accomplished or promising researchers and benefit from their unique expertise. From young academics with undeniable potential to seasoned professors with an international reputation, CRC appointees strenghten Canada’s global reputation for excellence in fields such as social sciences, health, natural sciences, and engineering.

In figures
94 Canada Research Chairs
6th ranked university for the number of CRCs